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Our workshops and retreats provide a wonderful way to fully immerse yourself into the principles and practices of Reflexology, Ayurvedic Medicine, Kinesiology, Lymphatic Drainage, Yoga and Counselling.

We offer a wide variety of training opportunities in a beautiful setting

  • Ayurvedic and Yoga Retreats - full weekends and Day Retreats

  • Ayurvedic Detoxing

  • Ayurvedic Massage

  • Ayurvedic Self Massage

  • Ayurvedic Daily Routines

  • Natural Fertility

  • Natural Pregnancy and Post-Pregnancy Care

  • Weight Loss

  • Menopause with Ease

  • Emotional and Mental Wellbeing

  • Reflexology for Home Use

  • Post-graduate Reflexology workshops for practicing Reflexologists

  • Yoga and Ayurvedic Afternoon Workshops

  • Ayurvedic Cooking




  • Sound Healing Evenings

  • Weekly Yoga Sessions



Our Workshops and Retreats Clarence Natural Therapies Grafton


Ayurvedic Self Massage - Workshop 15th February 2025


Ayurvedic Medicine is traditional Indian medicine. It encourages a life lived in harmony with nature's rhythms, with an awareness of balancing all levels of being - body, mind and soul.


Ayurvedic self massage is a profoundly simple technique that will  bring greater health, greater vitality and greater strength of mind.


“The body of one who uses oil massage regularly does not become affected much even if subjected to accidental injuries, or strenuous work. By using oil massage daily, a person is endowed with pleasant touch, trimmed body parts and becomes strong, charming and least affected by old age.”

Charaka Samhita Vol. 1, V: 88-89

(an ancient  Ayurvedic treatise)


From this workshop you gain:

The ability to perform an Ayurvedic self massage. With regular practice you will gain the following benefits:

· Tension will be released from your muscles making them softer, more limber

· Blood flow will be improved so that each cell is nourished with life giving nutrient and oxygen

· Lymphatic flow will be improved,  sweeping wastes and toxins out of your tissues

· Your organs will be nourished  and  become more vital and function more effectively

· Your senses will improve

· Your skin will  have a healthy glow

· Your mind will be soothed and calmsed

· Stagnant emotions will be freed and released


The ancient Ayurvedic sages add that self massage is the remover of old age, enhancing longevity.


You will gain an understanding of the importance of regular oil application on the body.


You will learn about  the Ayurvedic energy centres  on the body. When worked correctly, these energy centres enhance the vitality of organs and body functions.



Date:  15th February 

Time: 2pm - 4pm


Venue:  Clarence Natural Therapies
              Suite 2 39 Prince Street
              Grafton NSW

Cost: $40
For more information: 

Please contact: 

      Leanne Moore

      Phone:   02 6642 8432

      Mobile:  04228 70705



Ayurvedic Massage Workshop Level 2 - 6th and 7th July 2024

From an Ayurvedic perspective we are a complex and intricate being. So much more than blood and bone. We are also an energetic being, with rivers of energy (or prana) flowing within our bodies, pooling in 1000s of energy centres called marmas. There are 365 essential marmas and 43 commonly treated. 


The marmas can be used to treat imbalances and disharmonies as they often have an affiliation with body functions and organs. Each marma has a particular connection with a dosha and can assist in bringing balance to these guiding forces. They also assist in releasing muscular tension in the local area and can also release deep-seated emotions and memories, as these are often stored around the marmas.


In Level 2, you will explore the 43 commonly treated marmas, learning how to enhance flow through these energy centres. Abhyanga is taken to a whole new level.


You will also explore how to individualise Abhyanga. Each one of us is unique. Each having our own unique constitution. In Level 2 you will explore this, diving into how to adjust your massage accordingly (selection of oils and techniques).


And you will learn an Ayurvedic Foot and Hand Massage.


Plus, it is an opportunity to revise the techniques and sequence of Abhyanga. It is always helpful to revisit.


From this workshop you gain:


· An understanding of how to individualise Abhyanga, exploring how to recognise prakruti (body type or constitution) and adjust your massage accordingly


· An exploration of your own constitution and how to bring or maintain balance


· An understanding of the appropriate selection of oils in Ayurvedic massage


· A knowledge of the essential marma points (Ayurvedic energy centres), their locations  and their indications


· An opportunity to revise and revisit your Abhyanga, fine tuning your techniques and sequences.


· The ability to perform Ayurvedic Foot and Hand Massage




Date:  6th and 7th July 2024


Venue:  Clarence Natural Therapies

              Suite 2 39 Prince Street

              Grafton NSW


Cost  Early bird $320 (9th June)

          Full price   $360


Pre-requisite: Level 1




For more information:


Please contact:

      Leanne Moore

      Phone:   02 6642 8432

      Mobile:  04228 70705


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Ayurvedic Foot, Hand and Head Massage Workshop


In this workshop you will learn Padabhyanga, Hastabhyanga and Shirobhyanga. Or the gentle arts of Ayurvedic Foot, Hand and Head Massage.


Ayurvedic Medicine is traditional Indian Medicine.


Padabhyanga (Ayurvedic foot massage) calms the nervous system and so is beneficial for anxiety and insomnia. It is believed that regular foot massage will balance and cleanse the internal organs and soothe an agitated mind.


Hastabhyanga (Ayurvedic hand massage) vitalises the whole being and balances the five elements through the fingertips. These elements of fire, air, water, ether and earth play and integral role in our health and healing according to Ayurvedic healing traditions.


Shirobhyanga (Ayurvedic head massage) relieves tension through the neck and shoulders, calms and strengthens the brain and expands consciousness.


Padabhyanga, hastabhyanga and shirobhyanga has a focus on promoting a harmonious flow of vital life energy (or prana) through the marmas of the feet, hands and head. The marmas are vital life energy centres that strengthen organs and body functions and can assist in alleviating diseases and imbalances.


Date: 17th August


Time: Saturday: 9am—5pm


Venue: Clarence Natural Therapies
Suite 2 39 Prince St Grafton


Early bird $160 (before 4th August)
Full payment $180 (if payment made after this date)


What can I hope to gain from this workshop?

~ The ability to nurture yourself, family members and friends in a home environment


~ For therapists, a complete and unique treatment combining the feet, hands and head. Very blissful and therapeutic for clients.


~ An awareness of the vital energy centres (marmas) on the feet, hands and head, their indications and a technique to work them.


~ A relaxing, nourishing day


If you require more information
please contact
Leanne Moore
PH. 0422 870705
Or Email:




Ayurvedic Pop-up Cooking Workshops with Leanne

Food is medicine in Ayurveda. The selection of food from an Ayurvedic perspective is beyond the satisfaction of hunger. Healthy food options will nourish every cell and therefore maintain strength, stamina and endurance and a real enthusiasm for life. 

This is an opportunity to explore healthy, nourishing Ayurvedic recipes to build immunity, stamina and endurance and create a clear, calm mind.




Date: 16th May

Time: 6pm – 7.30pm

Cost: $25


In the first pop-up workshop, Leanne will cover some sustaining breakfast options for the cooler months. These breakfasts nourish and nurture your body and calm your mind, naturally. Leanne will share how to cook grains in a way that "activates" them, making them easy to digest, absorb and assimilate. We will also explore the use of spices to break down gluten. 


Ghee making will be demonstrated. 


Begin the day with a breakfast that is light and easy to digest, very nourishing and soothing (physically and mentally).

Good in cases of slow metabolism, fatigue, anxiety, insomnia, tiredness, low immune system and chest congestion.

Great for the nervous system, stabilising and grounding.



We could also zoom this workshop. Perhaps you could be cooking the recipes at home with us.


Other pop-up workshops will include:

Date: 30th May, 2024

Time: 6pm – 7.30pm

Cost: $25


Delicious gluten free breakfast options for Autumn and Winter. 

Continuing on with grounding and nourishing breakfasts for the Winter months. Leanne will be sharing how to cook besan porridge and rice flake porridge. Both of these recipes are gluten free. 


It is difficult to learn how to cook besan porridge from a recipe. You must be shown and it is best to keep practicing until you perfect it. But when you do perfect it, wow! It is stunning! Wonderfully tasty and so incredibly nourishing! 

These recipes nourish the nervous tissue and the muscles, stabilise and calm the mind. 


Date:  June 27th, 2024

Time: 6pm – 7.30pm

Cost: $25


Plant based protein pancakes for building stamina and strength.

Leanne will share some simple protein pancake that are great for stamina, endurance and strength. Great muscle building protein and easy to digest.

Again, it is best to witness how to cook these recipes for best results. 

Beneficial for irritable bowel syndrome, colitis or other gastric disorders, diabetes, asthma, bronchitis, weight loss and a sluggish lymphatic system.


Paneer making will be demonstrated. 



Other cooking workshops will be conducted later in the year:

Recipes that cleanse and heal your gut.

Vegetables are Medicine

Recipes to build the blood, high in iron

More plant based proteins



Leanne will explain the health benefits of the grains, legumes, vegetables, herbs and spices and share ways to cook that lightens the load on the digestive system.

Optimum nutrition. Optimum digestion. Optimum health.


Ring Clarence Natural Therapies on 6642 8432 for more information 



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Yoga Classes - Saturday mornings

Yoga Classes – Saturday morning - POP UP

Cost: $20 per person 

With Frances



Yoga and Ayurveda Winter Retreat with Leanne and Frances


Yoga and Ayurveda are sister sciences that support deeper inner connection to self and the world around us. 

We will be exploring how to stay strong and stay healthy during the Winter months using Yoga and Ayurveda. 


Enjoy a half day retreat dedicated to you! Sometimes we just need to retreat to rejuvenate......even for an afternoon.

Combine the deep relaxation of a yoga session and a practical exploration of the Ayurvedic Winter Seasonal Routines for an enjoyable and informative afternoon. 


This afternoon will include:

A warming, nurturing and calming Yoga session with Frances


Light afternoon tea


Ayurveda and Winter Routines with Leanne

In winter there is a tendency for internal cold and damp to build in the body—creating congestion, sinus, fluid retention, weight gain and lack of motivation. Learn how to counter these tendencies with specific Ayurvedic Winter routines.

We will explore these in a  practical hands-on way. You will brew drinks, mix spices, inhale essential oils and explore daily routines that keep heaviness, sluggishness and colds and flus at bay.


Learn how to stay strong all Winter long.


Yoga Nidra with Frances

Finish the day with deep relaxation.


Details of Retreat


Date: 15th June 2024

Time: 2pm—6pm

Venue:  Clarence Natural  Therapies

               Suite 2/ 39 Prince Street Grafton  NSW 2460

 Cost:     $65



For more information:

  Please contact:

  Clarence Natural Therapies

  Phone:02 6642 8432




Ayurveda Meditation Programme with Leanne

Ayurvedic Medicine is traditional Indian medicine. It encourages a life lived in harmony with nature's rhythms, with an awareness of balancing all levels of being - body, mind and soul.


One of Ayurveda’s strengths is the intimate knowledge of the mind and how to slowly bring the mind towards deep peace and contentment. A lightness. Joy. With increased awareness and focus. A greater calm.


Meditation can help us align with these emotional and mental states. Meditation is well known, and scientifically proven, to reduce the effects of stress and positively affect our immunity and our mental and emotional health. Consciously or unconsciously we are all seeking the peace of mind that meditation brings.


Why is the Ayurvedic approach to Meditation different?
Ayurveda offers a therapeutic approach to meditation. It is possible to target specific emotional and mental states with specific meditation techniques.


Some meditation techniques target anxiety, fear, panic attacks and worries. Other techniques target feelings of rejection, being taken for granted, feeling used, being abused. Other meditation techniques are beneficial for stress, anger, frustration, jealousy and hatred.

It is possible to build specific programmes for specific emotional states. Meditation will then become a therapeutic tool for healing.


From this programme you will gain:

~ General guidelines and support to help establish a meditation practice at home. Each week, you will be encouraged to journal and share your experiences, including the barriers. And then we will work out ways to overcome these.

~ 7 different Ayurvedic Therapeutic Meditation techniques. 2 of these will be explored and experienced each evening for a calm, relaxed state of mind.

~ Meditation programmes for anxiety, fear, depression, stress, anger, frustration, holding onto emotions, sensitivity, rejection. We will build these on the last evening for your ongoing meditation practice.


Details of Programme

Dates: 4th, 11th, 18th and 25th of July


Time: 6pm—7.30pm


Venue: Clarence Natural Therapies
Suite 2
39 Prince Street
Grafton NSW


Cost: $80 for 4 weeks


For more information:

Please contact:

Leanne Moore

Phone: 02 6642 8432

Mobile: 04228 70705



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